Welcome to my blog. I hope you will find my blog a fun and easy way to learn about what happens in your child’s Physical Education class. Also, you can check out what is happening in other grade levels. If it is appropriate for your child, you can let them read my blog and you can both leave me some comments. I would love to hear from you!
This week in JK Physical Education we worked on taking out equipment, using equipment with care, and putting equipment away properly. The children played with stilts, hula hoops, foxtail balls, and scarves. The children have also been working on playing a JK favorite, Stuck in the Mud tag. Ask the children how we play. I will also introduce a fun game called "Spiders and Flies" at the end of this week and the beginning of next week. Some other things the children have been working on this year are learning to “freeze”, playing a fun game called “I See”, finding a personal space to play, and balancing. The children also love to have a dance party whenever we have a few extra minutes. They loved to be spun and dipped by me.
This week in Mrs. Griffin’s 1st grade Physical Education we are working on rolling and bowling balls. When the children bowl, they try to step with their opposite foot, make the ball roll on the ground (not bounce), and follow through towards their target. The children love to knock over bowling pins, and everyone reports they have been bowling before. We began the year working on locomotor skills (running, skipping, galloping, sliding, jumping, and hopping) and striking/tossing/catching a playground ball, beach ball, or balloon with the hands. We have also completed fitness testing, and you will get your child's results in November.
This week in Mrs. Griffin’s 2nd grade Physical Education we are working on bowling. The children focus on stepping with their opposite foot and following through towards their target by pointing their hand where they want the ball to go. We began the year with work on locomotor skills (running, skipping, galloping, sliding, jumping, and hopping) and striking a ball with the hands against the wall and over the net in a volleyball serve. We have also completed fitness testing: 1 or 2 laps on the track, shuttle run, pull-ups, sit and reach, and curl-ups.
This week in Mrs. Griffin’s 3rd grade Physical Education we are doing fitness testing. The children are tested on pull-ups, shuttle run, sit and reach, curl-ups, and the mile run. Your child’s results will be sent home in November. Ask your child what muscle they are stretching during the sit and reach test. We have been working on training for these tests throughout the year through activities, games, and practicing the actual test (or part of it). In addition to fitness testing this year, we have worked on volleyball and tennis skills.
This week in Mrs. Griffin’s 4th grade Physical Education class we are fitness testing. The children are tested on pull-ups, shuttle run, sit and reach, curl-ups, and the mile run. Your child’s results will be sent home in November. Last week the children focused on fitness; specifically we talked about why it is important physically and psychologically to stay physically active through a lifetime. Ask your child to give you some examples of reasons why it is important to stay fit. In addition to fitness this year we have worked on volleyball and tennis skills.The 4th graders learned how to play a "real" game of volleyball.
On a more personal note, it has been a pleasure to get to know the children this year. I haven't had some of the children in my class since they were in JK , and it is fun to see how they have grown and developed.We have started the year with lots of action, laughter, fun, and even dancing!
Don't forget to leave me a comment! And of course if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call my work ext. 145 or pop me an email at sgriffin@usmk12.org