Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Last days of 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
1st - 4th are Jumping Around
The third and fourth graders are continuing their jump rope unit. The third graders continue to work on their "Challenge Sheet" where a partner watches them try to complete a skill for a specified number of jumps. They also continued to work on partner challenges and their "Record Breaker Club" where they work to complete the most number of jumps in a row without a miss. The children really do work very hard and take the challenges seriously (but with a lot of laughter too). The fourth graders are working this week to perfect and memorize their jump rope routines. Some children chose to do their routine with a partner, but they are still assessed individually. As the children get more and more into creating their routines, they are coming up with some neat tricks of their own.
The JK children worked on kicking this week along with reviewing some of the skills we have worked on throughout the year. When the children practice kicking, they have learned to try to use the "inside" of the foot instead of their toe which seems to come more naturally. The children also practiced hula hooping, jumping and turning a rope (some of the children are actually starting to turn and jump their rope one or two times in a row), and some other fun stations like foxtail balls, and scoops. I keep telling them to practice this skill a lot at home so by the time they are in SK and first grade they will be excellent jumpers. I can really tell which children have practiced this skill before. Next week we will be working on tumbling skills on teh big blue mat in our Auxiliary gym.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Skating Wrap Up and Jump Ropes
In JK Physical Education this week the children worked on kicking with the inside of their foot. We played "Clean Up Your Backyard" using our kicking skills. The children had to stay in their own "yard" and clean up the messes that I made with lots and lots of big balls.
This week in first and second grade the children will wrap up their skating unit. It is amazing to see the progress some of the children have made from barely scooting along to actually pushing and gliding. This week the first graders learned how to play a game called Alligator Alley... watch out for those gators! The second graders have been trying some harder challenges like jumping over the lines, spinning faster by pulling their arms in, and switching directions without falling. Both grades got to try a fun new activity on the ice with Mrs. Herbst where they performed a trick while the other other children held up the parachute for them to skate under. Some of the tricks the children performed were backward skating, dips, jumps, turns, and my personal favorite, the chicken dance! They also played "Clean Up You Backyard" with beanie babies flying from opposing backyards.
This week the 3rd and 4th graders started their jump rope unit. The third graders have been working on basic stunts like forward and backward jumping (single and double bounce), side and forward straddle jumps, criss cross jumping, boxer jumping, and many more. They are participating in the "Record Breaker's Club" by seeing how many jumps in a row they can do without a miss. It is a competition against themselves, not any other classmate. The children seem very motivated to do their best and complete many challenges.
The 4th graders are also participating in their own "Record Breaker's Club" by timing each other to see how long they can jump without a miss. They are competing against themselves, but of course they like to check out their classmates scores. One of the girls jumped for 5 minutes and 3 seconds on Monday... that is awesome strength and endurance! The 4th graders are also working to achieve 40, 80, and 100 jumps without a miss. Many have already achieved these goals. Finally the children are working on stunts, trying to do 10 in a row. At the end of this week the children will put the stunts into their own routine for their assessment. In the past I have had some very talented jumpers who create interesting routines. I am excited to see what the children will come up with this year.
On D days I host Running/Walking Club for the first and second graders. When the weather was nice, we went outside for our runs/walks, but today it was so cold, I hosted it in one of the gyms. I had 24 children come to run. They ran laps and we played two tag games. Some of the children ran almost non-stop for 25 minutes. WOW! Plus I am getting to know some of the children in the classes I don't teach; that is always nice.
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know I am working hard to work off all the yummy stuff I ate. Encourage your children to stay active and play outside when the temps are okay.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Let's Tumble and Skate!
In first and second grade the big news is we started ice skating this week. Thanks to all the parents who came to help the children get their skates tied. The children had a super first day. Their skills are amazing! It will be fun to watch them develop over the next few weeks.
In third and fourth grade the children have been continuing to tumble on the big blue mat. I have been busy assessing them on rolling, handstands, cartwheels, and so much more. They are excited for after winter break when the rest of the equipment gets set up.
In fourth grade this week, I introduced a new activity that we will be doing in class called "Amazing Race: Wisconsin." The children were put into teams and they choose a team name and a team captain (who will serve for two weeks before they choose again). They will participate in physical and mental challenges to earn points to "travel" to different places throughout Wisconsin. I hope it will be a fun way to incorporate their Wisconsin studies into PE. The third graders will start an "Amazing Race: United States" once I get the fourth graders upI told the children it may take months for them to complete their journey; they looked worried, but I assured them it would be fun, exciting, and probably a little silly. Some wondered if they really had to go to all those places. I just love their minds!
It's a short week filled with more tumbling and skating. I hope you have a relaxing Thanksgiving! Stay active with your family.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A short week filled with fun!
In first grade PE, the children started tumbling on the big blue gymnastics mat. We have been focusing on pencil rolls, forward rolls, jumping and landing (on our feet of course), push-ups, and some other fun challenges. I have told the children they can practice at home if they ask mom and dad where a safe place would be. Some things they may want to show you are a turk stand (start sitting pretzel style, stand up without using your hands, pivot on balls of your feet and sit down pretzel style again... your other leg should be crossed in the front) and a frog stand (a hand balance where your knees rest on the back of your elbows... no head!). The children love to tell me how easy the tricks are for them. Skating starts Nov. 21. You should have received my email last week about the dates and times. We would love volunteers to tie skates right before class starts. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about skating.
In 2nd grade PE the children have been working on tumbling, specifically forward and backward rolls, handstands, and back-walkovers over the mailbox mat. We have also continued to work on cupstacking, a super hand-eye coordination activity. The children know how to do a 3-3-3 stack, and today they learned the 6 stack. The children want to know if they can use any cups to stack... of course they can, but they don't work as well as the "real" speed stacking cups, so some children have ordered their own sets. Orders are due Wednesday, Nov. 12, so if you desperately want a set, get your dollars to me by tomorrow. Skating starts Nov. 21. You should have received my email last week about the dates and times. We would love volunteers to tie skates right before class starts. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about skating.
In third grade PE we have been tumbling a little, juggling a little, and cup stacking a little. Right now our focus is juggling and cup stacking. The children have been working on a 3-3-3 stack and a 6 stack for cup stacking. This is an excellent activity to have in the car when you know you will be going somewhere you need to wait (doctor's office for example). Order forms for cups are bring sent home today... ahhhh! and due tomorrow... double ahhhhhh! The children have been juggling two scarves and some are now working on three.
In 4th grade PE we have been working very hard on juggling three things: scarves, balls, beanbags, deck rings. Some of the children are getting very skilled. They have been reporting to me that they have been juggling at home too. The 4th graders are also perfecting their cup stacking skills. They have learned the 3-3-3 and 6 stack. They have fun racing each other. Order forms for cups are bring sent home today... ahhhh! and due tomorrow... double ahhhhhh!
One other topic: Running and walking club. This club is completely optional for the first - 4thg graders. They do not need to sign up, just show up. They can come one time or every time. 1st and 2nd graders have their time on D days during recess. I take the children out to run/walk. We have run the cross country course and the track, but the children definitely prefer the cross country course. It seems to be a huge maze out in the middle of nowhere for them, but of course I am with them and know exactly where we are. I will be sad when our trails are closed due to snow... snowshoes anyone? The 3rd and 4th graders have running club with Mrs. Keily during recess on B days. Mrs. Keily records how many laps the children do. I do not record laps or distance for our younger friends. It has surprised both of us which children sometimes show up for running/walking club. Often we get children who do not seem to enjoy running during PE... they must be tricking us! On our run/walks, we always have fun conversations and see interesting things, especially on the cross country trails.
Friday, November 7, 2008
So many fun and interesting things going on!
All 1st through 4th graders attended a field trip at the Childrens' Health Education Center. The programs are very fun and interactive. First grade attended "Bodies Alive." Second grade attended a digestive system program. Third grade attended a circulatory system program, and fourth grade attended "Energy Extreme." Check out their website for more info.
First grade has been busy this week working on tumbling skills: rolling forward, backward, and sideways, and balancing on almost every body part. They love to tumble on the mats and do new stunts! Bridges, handstands, and rolls are all skills they can work on at home.... but I told them to ask mom and dad where a safe place would be before they flip onto your sofa.
Second grade has dabbled in tumbling and cup stacking this week. You may see an order form come home for ordering cups if your child wants a set (or maybe that would be a good holiday gift). In tumbling we are working on forward and backward rolls, handstands, and even back-walkovers over the mailbox mat.
In third grade the children will start juggling today and they have been cup stacking. We will continue both activities next week. The children can show you how they "toss, toss, catch, catch" with two scarves. Next week we will work on three scarves and then move onto beanbags and balls.
In fourth grade the children have been working on cup stacking and juggling in a cascading pattern. First we work with scarves and many can work their way up to beanbags, balls, and rings! It is very neat to watch them progress and when they get the pattern, there is a lot of excitement for that child. I have told the kids they can practice at home using the crinkly type of grocery bags... but don't use mom's scarves unless you ask first.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
What a fun week!
Welcome to my blog. I hope you will find my blog a fun and easy way to learn about what happens in your child’s Physical Education class. Also, you can check out what is happening in other grade levels. If it is appropriate for your child, you can let them read my blog and you can both leave me some comments. I would love to hear from you!
This week in JK Physical Education we worked on taking out equipment, using equipment with care, and putting equipment away properly. The children played with stilts, hula hoops, foxtail balls, and scarves. The children have also been working on playing a JK favorite, Stuck in the Mud tag. Ask the children how we play. I will also introduce a fun game called "Spiders and Flies" at the end of this week and the beginning of next week. Some other things the children have been working on this year are learning to “freeze”, playing a fun game called “I See”, finding a personal space to play, and balancing. The children also love to have a dance party whenever we have a few extra minutes. They loved to be spun and dipped by me.
This week in Mrs. Griffin’s 1st grade Physical Education we are working on rolling and bowling balls. When the children bowl, they try to step with their opposite foot, make the ball roll on the ground (not bounce), and follow through towards their target. The children love to knock over bowling pins, and everyone reports they have been bowling before. We began the year working on locomotor skills (running, skipping, galloping, sliding, jumping, and hopping) and striking/tossing/catching a playground ball, beach ball, or balloon with the hands. We have also completed fitness testing, and you will get your child's results in November.
This week in Mrs. Griffin’s 2nd grade Physical Education we are working on bowling. The children focus on stepping with their opposite foot and following through towards their target by pointing their hand where they want the ball to go. We began the year with work on locomotor skills (running, skipping, galloping, sliding, jumping, and hopping) and striking a ball with the hands against the wall and over the net in a volleyball serve. We have also completed fitness testing: 1 or 2 laps on the track, shuttle run, pull-ups, sit and reach, and curl-ups.
This week in Mrs. Griffin’s 3rd grade Physical Education we are doing fitness testing. The children are tested on pull-ups, shuttle run, sit and reach, curl-ups, and the mile run. Your child’s results will be sent home in November. Ask your child what muscle they are stretching during the sit and reach test. We have been working on training for these tests throughout the year through activities, games, and practicing the actual test (or part of it). In addition to fitness testing this year, we have worked on volleyball and tennis skills.
This week in Mrs. Griffin’s 4th grade Physical Education class we are fitness testing. The children are tested on pull-ups, shuttle run, sit and reach, curl-ups, and the mile run. Your child’s results will be sent home in November. Last week the children focused on fitness; specifically we talked about why it is important physically and psychologically to stay physically active through a lifetime. Ask your child to give you some examples of reasons why it is important to stay fit. In addition to fitness this year we have worked on volleyball and tennis skills.The 4th graders learned how to play a "real" game of volleyball.
On a more personal note, it has been a pleasure to get to know the children this year. I haven't had some of the children in my class since they were in JK , and it is fun to see how they have grown and developed.We have started the year with lots of action, laughter, fun, and even dancing!
Don't forget to leave me a comment! And of course if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call my work ext. 145 or pop me an email at